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Helping you boost your impact through Team training & capacity building

More onion creates and delivers both pre-designed and tailored training programmes to charities across the UK and Europe. In person and remotely. Read on to see what we offer and how we can help you to boost your campaigning and fundraising impact.

I've attended two more onion training sessions now, and found them both invaluable for my own development and for the projects I work on. They have a great knack for breaking down a sea of information into actionable tips you can work with straight away, and are a goldmine of useful insight from across the non-profit and charity sector.

quote.portrait_alt Calum McGregor
Engagement Officer
Campaign to Protect Rural England

What we do

Whether it’s a part of a larger project or a stand-alone training, we love sharing our experience and expertise with others in the charity sector, so that together we can all achieve more.

We deliver two types of training workshops: ‘public’ trainings where you can book individual places and learn alongside people from other organisations, and in-house training workshops for just you and your colleagues.

We also regularly deliver capacity building as a part of campaigning and fundraising and consultancy projects.

Our trainings can be delivered in-person or online depending on your preference, current Covid 19 rules, and team availability.

Public training events

We’ve trained over 200 people in the past few years at our small-group public training events. You can find out about upcoming trainings on our events page.


In-house trainings are a great choice if you’d like to train a number of colleagues together. By learning together you can build a shared understanding of best practice and terminology as well as developing closer team working both within and across teams. In-house trainings are available for the same topics that we offer in our public trainings (supporter recruitment, supporter journeys, email copywriting) as well as bespoke trainings crafted around your team’s needs. Many organisations have already benefited from in-house training including Plan UK, Amnesty International UK, Possible, Shelter, The Humane Society, Scope, The Greens/EFA at the EU Parliament, BUND (Friends of the Earth Germany) and many more.

Please reach out if you’d like to discuss your training needs.

"I think this might be the most useful training course I've been on. It really changed the way I had been thinking about our supporter journeys work and gave me loads of practical tools to use in taking it forward." - Juliet Michaelson, Economy

Just a few of thein-house trainings we’ve delivered

Possible: digital mobilisation training

"The training really met our objectives; our team now has the common understanding of digital mobilisation that we were looking for, and we're already putting it all into action with new colour-coded trello boards, checklists and strategic engagement actions. We appreciated the effort that had gone into planning effective, engaging online training activities. We covered loads and it felt just as, if not more, efficient than an in person session." - Hannah Bland, Possible

Like many organisations, Possible were aware they had a variety of levels of experience in digital mobilisation and different levels of knowledge across their campaigns, fundraising and communications teams.

We worked with them to devise a tailored training programme that developed and levelled-up everyone’s skills, while also drawing on the different expertise and knowledge within the team. The training delivered a shared understanding across teams of what best practice looks like for Possible’s campaigning and fundraising and a common framework and approach for implementing these which supports effective, integrated ways of working.

The workshops were structured to include a mix of expert input from more onion digital strategists, practical exercises, group discussion, personal reflection, and ‘homework’ to help make the most of the training time.

The workshops were structured to include a mix of expert input from more onion digital strategists, practical exercises, group discussion, personal reflection, and ‘homework’ to help make the most of the training time.

The Greens/EFA in the European Parliament: training series for the campaigns and communications teams

“Super practical and engaging training. Now I've done it, I want my whole team to do it too!” - Pam Bartlett Quintanilla, Greens/EFA EU Parliament

After the Head of Campaigns and Outreach Team attended two of our public training events, more onion were commissioned to design and deliver a four-part training series for 20 people at the Greens/EFA in the European Parliament. The training was delivered via Zoom and attended by staff from across Europe. Content included:

  • Campaigning fundamentals: theory of change, power mapping, situational analysis, choosing the right tactics.
  • Copywriting for mobilisation emails and webpage copy
  • Supporter recruitment
  • Supporter journeys

International Tibet Network: training local groups

The International Tibet Network is a global network of campaign groups. Some are run by paid staff but most are run entirely by volunteers.

More onion worked with the network to design and deliver bespoke training workshops to group members from across the world to help strengthen both their supporter campaigning and fundraising work.

The training was carefully designed to make sure that it was suitable for the wide range of experiences and backgrounds of the participants, as well as being suitable for their unique local and national contexts.

The training covered topics including data security, mobilisation strategy and tactics, and writing and sending supporter emails. We delivered the workshops through half-day sessions on Zoom to 20 participants who joined us from Europe, Asia, South America, and Africa.

Please reach out if you’d like to discuss your training needs.

Some of our clients

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